About Us
Hi Guys, I'm happy you are here! My name is Courtney and I have two wonderful boys on the Autism spectrum and a beautiful baby girl.
When I received the boys diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder I cried for months. The tears weren't from surprise, I've known for a very long time. I didn't tell that many people either. Not because I was embarrassed or loved them any differently. The tears and shutting off came from simply thinking how other people would treat my children and the struggles they may face. If anything I love my children even more and then it finally clicked, I will advocate for my children for the rest of their lives and hope that one day the stigma is completely gone.
I wanted to showcase my two incredible boys who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and that is why I created Beauty in the Spectrum. I have built an amazing community online as well as in person and want to continue building a community.
I hope you are as proud as I am to wear beauty in the spectrum on your clothing because it sparks conversation that brings awareness and acceptance.
Every piece I have created is named after an individual who is on the autism spectrum and who has brought us community.
This community is beautiful and I'm happy you are here!
A mother who won't stop advocating for her children.